Learn more about Pastor Scott Lee

Scott Lee was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Lee of Fort Smith, Arkansas, on May 7, 1963. He came to faith in Christ in the summer of 1981 shortly after graduating High School, and then went on to earn a degree in chemistry from Arkansas Tech University in 1985. While in college he met and married Amy (Hughes) Lee of Benton, Arkansas. The couple have been married since 1984 and have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.

After graduating from college, a call to ministry interrupted Scott’s plans for a career in chemistry. He and Amy moved to Fort Worth, Texas to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. While in Fort Worth, he worked as Manager of Research for the O.A. Battista Research Institute, and along with Amy, ministered the Gospel to the city’s homeless through Beautiful Feet Outreach Mission. After graduating from seminary, God called the family to move to Arnold, MO where Scott became pastor of Rockport Baptist Church in the Spring of 1991.

Over more than three decades as pastor of Rockport, Scott has had the joy of seeing many who were infants and children when he came, including his own daughters, come to faith in Christ and grow to Christian maturity. Many of these same “children” continue faithfully in the church today, serving Christ with their own families. Others have experienced a call to ministry themselves and gone off to Bible School or Seminary and are now serving the Lord elsewhere. Scott has led Rockport through a process of biblical reformation, seeking to see the church conformed to Scripture in its leadership structure, worship, fellowship, and outreach. That process continues to this day as the church seeks to maintain an emphasis on clear, expositional preaching and healthy, Christ-centered fellowship and outreach.

In addition to pastoring Rockport Baptist Church, Scott has taught as an adjunct professor for Missouri Baptist University (1995-2018), and led conferences for pastors, missionaries and students in Romania, Ukraine and Mexico through HeartCry Misionary Society and Psalm 67 Missions Network. Scott also seeks to mentor younger pastors and to raise up and equip future pastors, elders and missionaries from within Rockport.

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Pastor Scott Lee

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