Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now
and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
The rush and hurry of the holiday season is just about done. The only thing left is the less-than-exciting task of cleaning up the mess, taking down the tree, packing away the decorations, and letting things start to get back to “normal.” But what does “normal” mean for a follower of Christ?
Certainly the world will pack away “the baby Jesus” in a box with tissue and not give him another thought ‘til next November. But we can’t do that! For us the presence of Christ is not limited to a season of temporary “peace and good will” before we jump back in to “real” life. For us presence of Christ is real life as we seek Him daily! The holidays are only the beginning of a whole year filled with the grace, mercy and love from the One we know is worthy of our praise, adoration and obedience day by day.
So my prayer for you and all our church family as we enter the New Year is that it really will be a year of new beginnings as we seek to grow together in the knowledge, fellowship and love of Christ! (2 Pet 3:18). But if we are to do so, let me remind you that a life centered on Christ does not happen by accident. The same God who calls us out of darkness into His Light by faith (Col 1:13), also calls us to continue walking in that Light through the same faith day to day (1 Jn 1:7). And walking, I remind you, is an intentional act.
So what steps are you taking to make sure your “feet” are leading you into an ever deepening walk with Christ? Is it your intention to put Him first this year, and to make knowing and obeying Him your top priority? Let me suggest that the place to begin is by renewing your trust in Him and recommitting yourself to meet with Him daily in His Word and prayer.
Looking forward to another year of serving Him with you,
Pastor Scott