“When we had come to Jerusalem, the brothers received us gladly”
Acts 21:17
Arnold Missouri is certainly not Jerusalem, but it is our home and we are glad to be back among our brothers and sisters here at Rockport. For those who have asked, Amy and I had a wonderful trip through Greece tracing the footsteps of the Apostle Paul through places like Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Berea and Philippi. The weather was almost perfect (especially compared with what you all were enduring back here!). Some highlights of this trip would include:
- Getting to see in person so many of the places we have only read about in the Bible and taught others about for over 30 years. It was amazing to see the actual stone paving the Apostle Paul must have walked in Philippi and Corinth, the buildings he would have seen and possibly entered, the jail cell where he was held in Philippi, Mars Hill where he preached in Athens, etc.
- Enjoying fellowship with several of the pastors and their wives from other local JBA churches. This was a real treat. Some of these brothers I have only known in passing. It was great to spend time with them, sharing meals, devotionals, stories and fellowship.
- I had the joy of bringing a short devotional from Acts and 1 Thessalonians while standing in a square in Thessaloniki, just a few feet away from the marketplace where Paul would have preached in the synagogue before being run out of town
- Learning about Greece, both modern and ancient. Myrto, the guide provided by our traveling company (Travel with Friends) was truly excellent. She really knew her stuff and was very helpful with information, teaching us how to say things in modern Greek, and sharing so much Greek history.
Amy and I are truly grateful for this opportunity and especially for those who insisted we take this trip over against my initial resistance to do so!
Pastor Scott (and Amy)