21 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:21-23
I wrote what follows on Wednesday morning after spending some time in word and prayer, reflecting on my deep disappointment over the fact that a majority of my fellow Missouri citizens voted to approve the disastrous and (for thousands of unborn children) deadly Amendment 3. You may have seen this when I posted it through Rockportnews, but here it is once more.
Today is a day for weeping, prayer and determination.
Weeping because Missouri voters have fallen for the dishonest rhetoric of Amendment 3 and given their approval to make the evil of abortion a constitutional right. It is a cause for lament.
Prayer because our God still reigns, and will continue to reign. And so we pray he will move upon hearts and minds and continue to preserve life in countless ways, and even more importantly give new life to those whose lives are about to be negatively impacted by this dreadful decision. But as always, Christ reigns overall, therefore we have hope.
Determination because we are reminded that it is a world of sin and evil in which the real battle is to win the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens to Jesus by the power of the Gospel. Only a true change of mind and heart can win people over from the lie of radical, personal autonomy that dims people’s view of truth in favor of “what feels right to me”. And so, we have much work to do.
So weep with those who weep, pray boldly as those who trust in a sovereign God, and continue on with determination to walk with Him by faith as we call others to join Him in this Life that has no end and will triumph in the end.
Confident in His Grace,
Pastor S Scott Lee