“But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble
and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”
Isaiah 66:2b

There are several things I want to share with you in this space today. First, I want to let you know that we are taking a break from our study of John until January. Part of my reason for doing so is to make room for a brief series on contemporary issues I’m calling our Fall Culture Series. Here are the topics:

10/16 – Isa 66:2 Those who Tremble at God’s Word
10/23 – (Warren Kesselring will be preaching about the Word)
10/30 – The Sufficiency of the Word for Facing the World
11/6 – Fall Culture Series (FCS): Biblical Justice in a Social Justice World!
11/13 – FCS: Understanding Abuse in an Abusive World
11/20 – FCS: Raising Children in a Transgender World
11/27 – FCS: Loving Your Neighbor in an LGBTQ+ World
12/4 – FCS: Living as Aliens and Strangers in an Unbelieving World

Following that, we will spend December looking at the incarnation of Christ in an Advent Series. We will then pick back up with John 18 in the new year.

A second thing I want to let you know is the fact that Kyle and I are ready to present Bro Warren Kesselring to the church as a candidate for eldership. On Sunday October 30, we will ask the church to confirm Warren as an elder-in-training. He will then begin to serve with us for a training period of 3 to 6 months. Following that, it is our hope to have the church affirm him as a pastor-elder to serve alongside us. Having known and observed Warren for many years, I am certain he will be a wonderful addition to our leadership team

Third, I wanted to let you know about an honor that has been conferred on Bro Kyle. He has been named “Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year” for the 2021-2022 season. Congratulations Pastor Kyle

Finally, please pray for me as I prepare to preach a message on the Sufficiency of Scripture at the Missouri Baptist Pastor’s Conference on 10/24.

May we, His people, honor His name and joyfully obey His Word!

Pastor Scott